All-Inclusive Accounting

Check out the list of services we offer. We’re here to help!


Accounting, Bookkeeping & Tax Services

Accounting Services

Your accounting and bookkeeping records will always remain current, precise, and aligned with state regulations.

Startup & Capital Raise Services

Get the advice you need to start a successful business including how to set up accounting processes to comply with government requirements.

CFO Services

We will safeguard your resources with appropriate financial controls, help you get a handle on cash flow, and find ways to efficiently track inventory.

Tax Services

Properly allocating deductible and non-deductible expenses creates many questions on the State and Federal levels. We can help!

Payroll Processing

Here at Evermore Financial Services we want to help ease the burden of processing payroll for you so that you’re free to focus on running your business.

When you’re ready to…

… work with a team whose specific aim is to partner with your business 

… outsource the paperwork and focus on growing your business

… focus on sustainable growth through proven, effective systems

… grow in profitability, without worrying about compliance

Let’s cross accounting off your to-do list.

We focus on offering concierge accounting, which is a fancy way of saying we provide you with a high level of personalized attention and on-demand service. Our investment is all-inclusive. we’ll never nickel and dime you for additional service. When you decide to partner with us, you’re outsourcing the tax planning, tax prep, bookkeeping, controller services, and compliance. In addition, we focus on forward growth. If you are ready to take your business to the next level, we want to work with you.

All Inclusive | Month-to-Month Subscription

-Accounting Services (CPA)
-Outsourced CFO
-Cash Flow & Profitability Planning
-Tax Planning & Prep
-Startup & Capital Raise Services
-Payroll Processing

Are you ready to get started - We’re here to help!

Why Choose Us?

Audit Ready Accounting
Leveraging our expertise and meticulous accounting methodology, our clients gain streamlined avenues to investor capital, enhanced prospects for securing and upholding loans, improved business administration, and fortified resilience against state or federal audits. These collective advantages significantly augment value during exits or in the context of mergers and acquisitions.

Lower Taxes
Strategically reducing tax liabilities while enhancing cash flow holds paramount significance for the enduring progress and resilience of any enterprise. Our team excels in addressing both these crucial aspects!

World Class Reporting
We streamline clients' business operations and expansion endeavors, facilitating effective risk identification, management, and reduction. We aid in long-term planning, adaptation to challenges, and seamless communication with management, boards, investors, and lenders.

Improved Cash Flow
Each business owner in the cannabis industry aspires to increase personal earnings, streamline business administration and expansion, and attain lasting stability and viability. At Evermore Financial Services, we utilize a strategic “profit first” methodology to help make that happen for you!

Peace of Mind
Having us on your business team grants you peace of mind, allowing you to concentrate on your brand, expansion, products, and the passion that initially fueled your business. Accounting, taxes, HR, and compliance concerns become obsolete with our vast knowledge base readily available to you!

Build a Premier Company
We recognize that your labor embodies your passion, serving the community, employees, and businesses alike. Our team ensures that you harness your endeavors to the fullest extent, enabling you to create a legacy of enduring significance for your children and heirs.

Ready to get started?